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The cornerstone for our building at the Church of the Epiphany was laid by Bishop George Gillespie in 1903, and for the past 120+ years in South Haven, we have collected tithes and offerings with plates passed through the pews, "the old-fashioned way." And that way still works in 2024!


Please bring cash or check to our Sunday service should you want to give to the ongoing work of Epiphany in our community, and stay tuned for details on our 2025 giving campaign.


You can also contact our Parish Administrator, Erika Jo Montgomery, at should you be interested in another method of making a donation. Many parishioners use ACH, have their banks send checks in the mail, or drop checks off at the church office. Others consider Epiphany their home and part of their legacy, and they consider our church in their wills, with stock options, and with their other investments.


We are reminded by Christ that "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." However you choose to give, we are thankful that so many of you invest your hearts and lives here at the Church of the Epiphany.


(And yes, online giving is coming soon!) 

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